New Dashboard Release

355 emerging market Funds, AUM $410bn

New Dashboard Release

This video marks the launch of three new fund positioning dashboards, now available in our positioning dashboards suite. Watch the demo video opposite, or click on the link to go directly to the dashboards.

Country/Sector Dashboard
Gain immediate insights into country, sector, country/sector, and stock positioning. Customize your view with various ownership calculations, including average weight, funds invested, average weight vs. benchmark, and funds overweight. Track changes in each metric over any user-defined period. Click on any element to see time-series and fund-level ownership data.
Chart Builder
Create simple time-series charts based on our fund ownership data. Select your ownership calculation and initial measure (region, country, sector, industry, stock), then choose multiple measures to display on the chart.
Another chart builder, but this time choose a single measure from region, country, sector, industry, or stock and choose your ownership calculation.  Split the time-series data based on the classification of the fund, from Style, ESG, Market Cap Focus, Active Category, Fund Listing Region and Top Performers.

For more analysis, data or information on active investor positioning in your market, please get in touch with me on