Global Funds: Performance & Attribution Review, Q2 2024

330 Global funds, AUM $1.1tr

Global Funds: Performance & Attribution Review, Q2 2024


  • Challenging Q2 as majority underperform: Average returns of 1.29% lag the SPDRs MSCI ACWI ETF by -2.2%, with 69% of funds underperforming.

  • Growth beats Value: All Style groups lost out to the benchmark, with Value funds experiencing notable underperformance.

  • USA Drives Underperformance:  Global funds once again adversely positioned in US companies compared to benchmark.  Poor stock selection in US Technology the main driver.

  • Apple and NVIDIA Underweights Costly.  Underweights in both stocks contributed over -1% to relative losses.

  • Active vs Passive: Active Global funds trail SPDRs MSCI ACWI by 21% over 10 years, with huge variation in Style performance over the period.  Value and Yield funds the big laggards.

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