GEM Funds: Performance & Attribution Review, Q2 2024

352 Global Emerging markets active equity funds, AUM $429bn

GEM Funds: Performance & Attribution Review, Q2 2024


  • Strong Q2 returns but passive beats Active: Average active fund returns of 3.91% fail to beat the iShares MSCI EM ETF return of 4.39%, with 54% of funds underperforming.

  • Growth beats Value: All Style groups underperform the benchmark on average, though Growth has the edge on Value over the quarter.

  • Key Overweights Drag on Returns: The consensus overweights of Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia proved costly, though Materials underweights, Saudi underweights and strong stock selection in South Korea stemmed relative losses.

  • Tencent and TSMC underweights costly: Both stocks are among the top underweights among active GEM investors. Strong performance this quarter contributed to underperformance.

  • Active vs Passive: Q2 underperformance detracts from a strong Q1, though active GEM funds remain ahead of the benchmark on the year so far.

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