UK Funds: Performance & Attribution Review, Q2 2024

260 UK Equity funds, AUM $185bn

UK Funds: Performance & Attribution Review, Q2 2024


  • UK Funds Match Benchmark in Q2: Active UK funds achieved an average Q2 return of +3.62%, in line with the benchmark and with just over half of funds outperforming the index.
  • Performance Correlated to Style: Performance was strongly influenced by style, with Value funds leading with an average Q2 return of 4.48%, while Aggressive Growth funds lagged at 1.82%.
  • Banks and Pharma Key to Performance: Both sectors were a key driver of absolute returns, but sizeable underweights were costly to active UK funds.
  • Big Stock Underweights Hurt Active Investors: The largest 3 stock underweights of AstraZeneca, HSBC, and Shell all performed well, losing UK funds a combined 80bps versus the FTSE All Share index, on average.
  • Active vs Passive: Active UK funds trail SPDRs FTSE All Share ETF by 5.6% over 10 years, though individual strategies have returned significantly more.

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