Positioning Insights, August 2024

351 emerging market Funds, AUM $424bn

Active GEM Funds: Positioning Insights, August 2024


Brazil: Exposure Among EM Funds Nears Record Lows
Exposure to Brazil among Emerging Market equity funds has fallen to near-record lows, with Financials, Technology, and Materials leading the declines.

Materials: Low Conviction Sector Goes Lower
Both average fund weights and the percentage of funds invested in Materials have continued to decline in recent months. This fading conviction is reflected in a net underweight of 2.94%, with only 11.5% of funds positioned ahead of the benchmark.

South Korean Financials: Conviction Move Higher
Average fund weights are approaching record highs at 1.94%, whilst the percentage of funds invested in the sector has surged by 9.7% over the past six months. KB Financial stands out as a marquee holding as it nears all-time ownership highs.

Bharti Airtel: Chasing Momentum
The percentage of funds invested in Bharti Airtel has reached 15-year highs. Over the past six months, ownership increases have been the highest among Indian peers, propelling Bharti Airtel to the 7th most widely owned stock in India.
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SK Financials

For more analysis, data or information on active investor positioning in your market, please get in touch with me on steven.holden@copleyfundresearch.com